Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Art of Convincing People

Yesterday I had the opportunity to watch an funny interchange which turned out to be a valuable learning experience as well. Some friends, namely Sam, Melissa, and Duane invited me to go out for Chinese with them. After we jumped in the car, the usual group decision making process began. "So are we still thinking Chinese?" asked Duane. "Yeah, that will work," says Sam. Mel and I don't much care because we've already eaten. "The only thing I would be interested in is a drink or dessert," says I. "Where would you like to go, Sam?" Duane asks politely. "Well, there's a place in Clifton and that other place over in _____. There pretty authentic" Sam says. "That could work," says Duane. "How about P. F. Chang's?" I pipe up with,"I've never been there before." "Alright, I'm thinking Chang's, plus Leanna's never been there before." We all settle in for the ride, relieved that the decision has been made. My mind has begun to wander, when Duane leans over with a satisfied smile and says, "I decided on P. F. Chang's in chapel."
Moral of the story: Just let people think they have a part in decision making and all will go your way:)


Melissa Phelps said...

He's sooo manipulative! We shall plan his demise using mainly chopsticks and lemon skewers!

Sam said...

Fill in the blank. _____ It was UC. (There's a Chinese place in Clifton, and over at UC across from Starbucks, and a buffet down in Ft. Thomas.)

Chang's was so good, I enjoyed it.

Megobuddy said...

You blogged!!!!! Hooray!

Dwayne said...

I don't think of it as manipulation; more of premeditated guidance... ;).

Mel and Sam already took care of the demise.

I would (and do) actually avoid the buffet in Ft Thomas.

I'm am glad to see you managed to blog again. ;). Keep up the good work! Lol.

Sam said...

For all you chinese food lovers out there:

1) Clifton
2) UC
3) Ft. Thomas
4) Hyde Park
5) Ridge

order of tasty food

1) Chang's (Hyde park)
2) UC (China Wok)
3) Clifton (China Kitchen)
4) Ft. Thomas (Chinese Buffet)
5) Ridge (Chinese Buffet)

Leanna said...

Premeditated guidance.... I like it:)

Melissa Phelps said...

PS.. Dwayne's name is a variant spelling. See above. :) At least, I think I have it right

Eric and Hannah Avery said...

Your blog is really interesting Leanna. You are a very good writer.