Thursday, January 29, 2009

Are Those Ducks Real?

I brag on and on about my cute nephews and here is proof of that fact once again. When I noticed the pictures with the ducks I was like "Wow! That is so cool! How did they keep Jacob (the younger one) from squashing them to death?" I quickly noticed that the little ducks looked pretty much the same in all pictures. Then I realized how preposterous it would be to use real ducks especially around little boys:) I can be a little ditzier (is this really a word) than I like to admit sometimes.


Sam said...

What?!? They aren't real?? Daugh!

You'll be happy to know that the dictionary says "ditzier" is a word. Comparative of ditzy. Superlative: ditziest.

Alanna said...

Well, they (the ducks) do look rather life-like. :) And this one ditzy moment can be overlooked - but I better not be hearing of too many more. lol :) And they (the boys) are sure cute.

Melissa Phelps said...

I want to see a picture of the studio where they turn loose a bunch of ducklings and two little boys. Those pictures would be interesting... and a flurry of activity.

Ike said...

Cute picture, even if it is a quack.

Issa said...

Awww. I thought the ducks looked more real than the boys. The boys are just to cute to be real (and also sitting far to still. If it doesn't have blur lines around the edges, its not a real boy. Dakota taught me that.)

Becky Arnold said...

Your nephews are adorable!!! And by the way, I thought for sure the ducks were real, are you sure they're not? :)