Friday, February 15, 2008

Here Are the Promised Profound Thoughts

I was babysitting the other day, and I was reminded of the delightful nature of children. But just when you think they couldn't be any cuter- they wind up and kick you in the shins. I love observing their little carnal natures mixed with true sweetness that an adult can never hope to imitate.

I've also been observing lately that some parents, grandparents, or other close relatives seem to think the way to keep a child happy is to shower them with all sorts of expensive gifts. Though this does serve that purpose for at least 5 minutes or so, many of these kids just become more and more demanding. "I'm booorrreeedd!!!" -is a common quote heard from these children. I feel bad for these kids because they learn to depend on things to entertain themselves instead of using their imaginations to have some truly exciting adventures. This is the reason why kids should not be given everything they want.

I have also observed that when kids are always denied what they want it can be just as detrimental. These are often extreme cases where kids are denied even basic needs like love and food because their parents don't care about them. This has far reaching affects on the emotional and mental health of that kid. It breaks my heart to see situations like that. I also think the second part of this quote can be applied to parents who strictly control all the activities of their children. Although this is not nearly as harsh as ignoring them all the time, I think it still is detrimental to a child's development. For one thing some of my fondest memories as a little kid were when my sisters and I were out roaming the neighberhood with our friends and having all sorts of clubs and adventures and bike races. And for another thing how are kids supposed to be able to think for themselves if they are never allowed to? No matter how much parents want to shelter their children from pain, the best way for most people to learn is through experience.

Anyway, just some random thoughts. And I totally can't wait to see my nephews in 3 days!


Melissa Phelps said...

Whoa, spoken like a true babysitter :)

Sam said...

my parents had the belief that a child should not be permitted to experience the detrimental side of life for sake of experience. i think thats your only error is stating that kids should hypothetically run away to experience the bitterness of doing so (no food, poor shelter, etc) in spite, I've learned a lot from my life experiences and must say that I had a healthy imagination as a child. Good blogging Leanna!


Leanna said...

Well Sam, I think you make a very valid point. I definitely do not think kids should be allowed to experience everything just for the learning factor because that isn't love either. I guess what I was reacting against was making kids into these little robots who are completely controlled by their parents.