Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sorry for Being so Self-absorbed

I often struggle with coming up with a fresh topic to blog about. We all know most people on campus are tired of school, had a great camp meeting, and think they have the best summer plans of anyone they know. It disturbs me that I can't think of anything else significant to talk about. Why do the subjects I write about have to be related to me? That caused me to realize how often I think of things only in relation to how they affect me. This bothers me because as a follower of Jesus, I want to make others my focus. I often think of this little song we used to sing in first grade that said, "J-O-Y This must surely be, Jesus first, yourself last, and others in between." Pretty much nails it if you ask me. (I can't believed I just used a fragment but I didn't want to tack that onto the previous sentence which seemed too long already) (Wait... is that a run-on???) Anyway, I'm not sure how I can change this aspect of my life, but I also realize I can't change on my own. God will continue having to work on me to help change my mindset.

So this summer I hope to further develop my mind by reading some more intellectual material. This was Missie's suggestion for a word so to clarify I simply mean not fluffy reading but more of the classics and things that will be helpful to me as a teacher. (Wow! I must say I sound like a dreadfully boring individual) Maybe then I will be able to latch onto the secrets of the universe and mankind and have something awfully exciting to blog about. I thought about politics but that is one baby I am just not ready to tackle. I also hope to get involved in a kid's ministry back home so that would give me other noteworthy items to blog about other than "my boring, meaningless existence" (Missie Lehman). I will endeavor, though, to keep you updated on the most important personal happenings that are of possible interest to my readers.

Happy summer wishes to all!

1 comment:

Alanna said...

Reading the classics does not make you a "dreadfully boring individual." It makes you a cultured well-educated person. And I need to do the same. My grasp on the classics is woefully weak.

Please keep me posted about your life. And may Jesus help me to to be more "others-focused" too. Love ya girl.